Saturday, February 18, 2006


Got a Gig Tomorrow - Sunday Feb. 10, 4-8pm

That's right, not just another pretty face with a guitar website - also a workin' musician. The Katz head into jam #20 tomorrow at Oasis in Place Concorde (Windsor, Ontario, Canada). We JumpKatz host the thing and what a blast it's been since last fall, and going strong. Every week features a different guest who wails with us - tomorrow it's vocalist Kim Atherton.

You wanna see open-D guitar (Guitar-eze, as it's known) in action all afternoon, that's where I'll be.

It's s'posed to be a blues jam, but lord knows we stretch the limits a titch (or two). With a 300 song repertoire, 12-bar alone would be a little confining. But we have lots of great players (blues and otherwise) show up every week, so it's never a dull moment. Last week positively rocked with Brian Smith on harp and vox, Dave Williams on keys, Dave Whitehead (Keef Riffhard), oh man, some of the combos up there were hot. Also lots of sax players tend to show up so if you're a lover of horns come on out. I always get to throw in a little slide guitar which is fun even though I hold the guitar a bit too low to really be effective.

The week before (Superbowl Sunday) was extra-neat because guest Tom Lockwood and I both brought National Steel acoustics for some howlin' acoustic slide guitar. Tom specially tuned down to open-F for me so I could sing easier... What a night that was, football and all.

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