Thursday, April 27, 2006


What's new at Guitar-eze

Wow, too long since my last post. But several interesting comments and questions have been coming in. I interpret this as a definite interest (and need) out there for this sort of alternate guitar tuning thing.

Lots of folks tell me they are frustrated, to which I can relate, as aspiring guitarists. This of course is a primary target of mine. It's where I came from. Plus, I've witnessed the transition of others from frustrated guitarists to happy ones.

It also interesting to hear from players just looking for something different. My eyes were opened to a really cool tuning D A D A D F#, which I tried out and loved. If you have the hang of D A D F# A D, it's a simple transition and really cool, for folksy sounds (a bit limiting for rocking out because you don't have a hand D A on the highest strings.

Others have told me about other excursions into open tunings, all of them interesting. There are a few reply posts on some previous entries here. Check them out.

I also post interesting notes and questions on the site blog.

I am looking at customized lesson packages for students; so that if they like, they can have a structured plan (say 5 half-hour blocks on a CD) to keep them on track. Just the time and expense of creating them.

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