Sunday, February 15, 2009


Combining Guitar Methods

I know that my system, Guitar-eze, works.

I know primarily because it worked for me. And, I know I am a lot like many other frustrated guitar players, who just couldn't get going in standard guitar tuning. Therefore, I believe, there are millions of people just like me, who would love to play guitar, gave it a try. and failed. But, they still want to play guitar. This is one niche perfectly suited to the wonderful world of open-D tuning for guitar. You are among the folks who would benefit most from the simple flip to open-D.

Think about it.

You may have a guitar in your possession, unused. You may have some songbooks, or even original song ideas, lying around. You may have a method book, which covers musical theory.

Most importantly, you have that burning desire to learn to play guitar, left unfulfilled.

Open-D tuning gives you the chance to resurrect your dream, and put all the guitar stuff you have lying around to use once more. By this I mean combining what you already have with the switch to open-D. Because anything you have learned in standard tuning is one hundred percent applicable to open-D tuning. It's just that in open-D, everything is simplified. Most of those tricky nay impossible chord formations, for example, are reduced to a single finger. You can play in any key. And that's just the beginning.

Combining systems means that you take your existing resources, be it a method book or whatever, and apply it to what open-D simplifies.

My system, as I say on my site, is 100% stand alone. I cover the basics of theory, tuning, strumming, scales, and then encourage the beginner to take flight on guitar. I've taught many students personally who do just that. The testimonials I get on my site say the same thing. But - if you have those other resources, by all means make use of them. They can still come in handy. So, dust off the books, and the guitar, and get playing in open-D.

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