Monday, July 31, 2006


On Previous Post - Just Kidding, Honest!

I was only joking on the last post, with regard to "snotty teenagers", etc. My daughter happened to standing over my shoulder, bugging me to go on the compu, so I told I was busy and let her read as I typed.

She is truly interested in guitar (and bass), but also truly doesn't want me to show her how, in open-D! I can always teach her in standard tuning. We have a slew of axes around the house also.

Guitar is the most wonderful instrument in the world, no matter how it is approached.

Thanks for the comments, well intentioned all.

I believe on the whole that young people are probably more open-minded to stuff like alternate guitar tunings, and the like. Experimentation happens to be the backbone of the way I play. Guitar-eze is the manifestation of my experimenting.

Love the comments.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Adults Don't Let Your Kids Tell You How To Play Guitar

Those snotty teenagers, always thinking they know everything.

I have a fifteen year-old at home who wants to learn guitar, but insists, "my way" isn't "real guitar". Instead she wants me to pay for guitar lessons. For her!

Forget it kid. Learn to play in open-D like your old man.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Oh, Baby, It's Been Too Long

...but here I am.

The mother-site has been humming with inquiries and orders and such, and one thing has come up specifically which bears mention here too. Several inquiries lately as to whether or not I exist!

Yep, it's actually me, Frank Foxx, founder of the Guitar-eze guitar method, based on the alternate guitar tuning of open-D. The site tells in detail about the history of Guitar-eze, but to tell you a bit more about me...musically, that is -

I developed my system because I wanted to play guitar. I played bass successfully since I was 17 (along with trombone and baritone since age 10), and although I had access to a guitar since about age 6, nothing came of it - I didn't get it. Once I discovered the secret I am now sharing, a whole new musical world opened up for me. Though it took me several years to develop the chops and self-confidence to actually play guitar in a band, for money, I eventually made it. By the time I was about 21 or 22 I had the rudiments of my system down. I practiced like heck and by the time I was about 28 (yeah, it took about 6-7 years!), I felt confident enough, and knew enough material (instrumentally and vocally) to front a band. This happened 1993, in Toronto.

For the next seven years, I led the Highway Hepcats, a 3-piece roots rockabilly band. I also did side gigs on both guitar and bass, in many different styles of music.I relocated to Windsor, Ontario in 1999 and struggled to form a new band in this smaller town. I bounced from side gig to side gig, but finally got a 3-piece band together in 2003, whiched evolved into my present outfit, the JumpKatz.

In 2004-2005, I revved up Guitar-eze and started offering private lessons, which allowed me to refine and develop my system further. So there you have it. A real person. A real music lover. A real guitar lover. Frank Foxx.

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